RLDS Church History Context

RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 19 Page: 369 (~1862-1863)

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369 "From there I went to North Ogden, and called on a brother, Thomas Squires, who had previously called on me in this city, at which time I had great freedom to expound the doctrine of the Reorganization, and bore testimony of Bro. Joseph's true calling as the only successor of Joseph the Martyr; but he did not commit himself for or against me, so I on my way to Ogden Valley called on him, and stopped with him about a day and a half; the result was, that he was notified by Bishop Chauncey [W.] West, to appear at a meeting to answer to a charge preferred against him, on the evening of the 30th of October, and as it was open doors to Jew or Gentile. I also attended the meeting. [Elder Briggs here relates some desultory remarks made by Bishop West, and continues.]

"'But I will now come right to the business, I will ask the brethren whose names have been handed to me, I wish to ask Bro. Thomas Squires, as I have been informed that there are those here who are leaning towards young Josephism, and they are harboring those who have come here to teach Josephism; I do not know whether it is so or not, they have a right to believe as they please, but I do not feel to fellowship them as brethren and sisters. Have you not been blessed when you were sent to battle against error under the Prophet Brigham? Apostates said we could not finish the temple at Nauvoo, but we did finish it, as Brigham Young said we could. Thousands have received witness that Joseph was a prophet, and I ask Bro. Squires, "Do you acknowledge Brigham Young as the one to lead the church?" "Do you believe in the right of Brigham Young as the legal successor of Joseph, and the Prophet and President of the Church?" Squires said, 'May I ask a question?' It was allowed. 'What charges are preferred against me?' Bishop answered, 'There is none; but I repeat the questions, I am your bishop, and it is your duty to answer me, and I do not want any argument about it, and I want order.' (He then threw out what I thought were intimidations.) Squires said, 'I consider the questions out of order, and will not answer them, for I do not acknowledge your right to catechise [catechize] me in this manner.' Bishop

(page 369)

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