Scripture Context

DC 125:15b - DC 126:2b

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15b They must observe that this they are not required to do except there be a direct manifestation of the Spirit which may direct it.

15c Pray over the sick, anoint them with oil, as commanded in the law, and leave them in my hands, that the Spirit may deal with them according to my wisdom.

15d Many spiritual manifestations have been had. Some of these have been false, and under the operation of the law which I gave many, many years ago, those who make these false presentations are not to be feared among my people.

15e They are not justified in permitting their human sympathies to overcome that which has been written in my Scriptures. The spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophets.

16a The college debt should be paid, the ministers going out from the conferences held by the elders of my church are not expected or authorized to throw obstacles in the way of the accomplishment of that which has been intrusted to the Bishopric to pay this great debt.

16b Their right to free speech, their right to liberty of conscience, does not permit them as individuals to frustrate the commands of the body in conference assembly.

16c They are sent out as ministers to preach the gospel, and their voices if opposed to what may be presented to the conference should be heard in the conferences, and not in the mission fields, to prevent the accomplishment of the object with which the officers of the church have been intrusted.

DC 126
Intro: SECTION 126 This section is an account of an open vision received by President Joseph Smith at Lamoni, April 16, 1902. It was accepted by the quorums and the General Conference as inspired guidance to meet the existing needs of the church. To the Officers and Members of the Conference:

1 On the night of April 16 I made the condition of the church a subject of prayer, intensely desirous of receiving light and information in relation thereto and my duty. I awoke at the hour of three and had in presentation the following vision:

2a I saw the assembly of the Saints and the general authorities, the latter being arranged upon a platform with the seats arranged in lines, each line from the front of the platform slightly raised to the rear.

2b On that platform I saw the quorum of the Presidency, the Bishopric, the Twelve, and a line above the Twelve on the seat behind them, a number of the brethren, including four of the present members of the Twelve and the patriarchs now ordained and recognized in the church.

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