Scripture Context

DC 126:2a - DC 126:8

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2a I saw the assembly of the Saints and the general authorities, the latter being arranged upon a platform with the seats arranged in lines, each line from the front of the platform slightly raised to the rear.

2b On that platform I saw the quorum of the Presidency, the Bishopric, the Twelve, and a line above the Twelve on the seat behind them, a number of the brethren, including four of the present members of the Twelve and the patriarchs now ordained and recognized in the church.

2c The Quorum of the Twelve was filled, and the places of the four whom I saw on the upper tier of seats were occupied by others known to the church.

3 I asked the question who these men occupying the upper row of seats were, and I was told that they were evangelical ministers, called to minister in spiritual blessings to the church and to preach the gospel undeterred by the burden of the care and anxiety of presiding over missions and districts.

4 I saw in the Presidency two known to the church, but who have not hitherto been connected with the Presidency.

5a I saw the Bishopric as at present constituted, with the attendant bishops upon either side. I asked what was the meaning of this.

5b I was told that the Bishop should not be burdened with the spiritual care of the church except as such might be brought before him in pursuance of the law which provided for the bishop's court.

6 I then asked what was meant by the choosing of members for the presidency so young in years. I was informed that it was for the purpose that before the Presidency should be invaded by death these younger men should be prepared by association to be of assistance to whosoever should be chosen as the President upon the emergency which should occur.

7a The names of those of the present Quorum of Twelve whom I saw upon the upper tier of seats were James Caffall, John H. Lake, Edmund C. Briggs, and Joseph R. Lambert. These were sitting with the other evangelical ministers.

7b Those whom I saw sitting with the Quorum of the Twelve were Frederick A. Smith, Francis M. Sheehy, Ulysses W. Greene, Cornelius A. Butterworth, and John W. Rushton.

8 Sitting with the Presidency were Frederick M. Smith and Richard C. Evans.

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