Scripture Search Results

Search For: Districts
Verses Found: 17

DC 117:10b The bishop of my church may also choose and appoint Bishop's agents, until it shall be wisdom in me to ordain other bishops, in the districts and large branches of my church.

DC 120:1b In the meantime, branches and their officers, and districts and their officers are to be considered as provided for by my law to carry on the work of the ministry in caring for the membership of the church, and to relieve the Twelve and Seventy from the vexation and anxiety of looking after local organizations when effected.

DC 120:1c When branches and districts are organized, they should be so organized by direction of the conferences, or by the personal presence and direction of the Twelve, or some member of that quorum who may be in charge, if practicable;

DC 120:2b Districts may be presided over by a high priest, or an elder, who shall be received and sustained in his office by the vote of the district.

DC 120:4a In both branches and districts the presiding officers should be considered and respected in their offices;

DC 120:7a In matters of personal importance and conduct arising in branches or districts, the authorities of those branches and districts should be authorized and permitted to settle them;

DC 122:7b leaving the branches and districts where organization is effected to the care and administration of the standing ministers, high priest, elders, priests, teachers, and deacons, so far as possible;

DC 122:8d It is the will of God that they do this; yea, verily, thus saith the Spirit, If they will now enter upon this work, leaving the burden of care in organized districts, or conferences to the standing ministry, under the Presidency of the church;

DC 122:8e observing the law already given to ordain and set high priests or elders to preside in large branches and in districts, and also evangelical ministers, then will those officers set in the church be useful and he who gave the law be honored;

DC 122:12b In the meantime the district may be left to the care of its districts organization subject to the direction of the Presidency, no one of the missionary force being appointed to the charge thereof for the conference year, or longer if it shall be found advisable.

DC 123:23b "As a traveling, presiding council, your quorum has the active supervision and presidency, under the First Presidency, over the entire field of ministerial labor, and control over districts, branches, and the ministry as a whole and as church organizations, and not as local presiding officers in these several organizations;

DC 125:3a The patriarch is an evangelical minister. The duties of this office are to be an evangelical minister; to preach, teach, expound, exhort, to be a revivalist, and to visit branches and districts as wisdom may direct, invitation, request, or the Spirit of God determine and require;

DC 125:6a Other evangelical ministers beside the Presiding Patriarch have similar duties in the districts where they are appointed.

DC 125:9 The only qualification for delegates chosen by the branches or districts should be membership and good standing, it being given by the Spirit that those other than the eldership should be represented in this way.

DC 125:10b These stakes shall be made to comprise the boundaries of the districts as they now stand, the center at the towns and places named;

DC 125:14a Branches and districts are to be conducted according to the rules given in the law as directed in a former revelation: They shall take the things which have been given unto them as my law to the church to be my law to govern my church.

DC 126:3 I asked the question who these men occupying the upper row of seats were, and I was told that they were evangelical ministers, called to minister in spiritual blessings to the church and to preach the gospel undeterred by the burden of the care and anxiety of presiding over missions and districts.

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