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Verses Found: 28

DC 12:Intro SECTION 12 At the invitation of the Whitmer family, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery went from Harmony, Pennsylvania, to Fayette, Seneca County, New York, where they stayed in the Whitmer home until the translation of the Book of Mormon was completed. The following revelation, addressed to David Whitmer, was received in June 1829, while the prophet was still in Fayette.

DC 13:Intro SECTION 13 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., the prophet, to John Whitmer, June 1829, at the home of Peter Whitmer, Sr., John's father, at Fayette, Seneca County, New York. John Whitmer became one of the eight witnesses whose testimony is published with all editions of the Book of Mormon.

DC 14:Intro SECTION 14 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., to Peter Whitmer, Jr. It is identical with the message to John, Peter's brother, and was received at the same time and place, June 1829, at Fayette, Seneca County, New York.

DC 15:Intro SECTION 15 In June, 1829, Martin Harris visited Fayette, New York, to inquire concerning the progress being made in the translation of the Book of Mormon. During this visit he joined Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer in asking that they might be chosen as the three special witnesses to the divinity of the Book of Mormon, mentioned in the prophecies of Nephi and Moroni (II Nephi 11:133; Ether 2:2-3). The following revelation was received in answer to Joseph's prayer on behalf of his three associates. A few days later the promise it contained was fulfilled, and Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris became the three special witnesses to the fact that Joseph truly had the Book of Mormon plates and that these plates had been translated "by the gift and power of God." Their testimony was maintained to the end of their lives and has been included in every edition of the Book of Mormon.

DC 17:Intro SECTION 17 This section is a compilation of instructions received from time to time in connection with the organization of the church. The "Book of Commandments" describes the section as "the Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ, given in Fayette, New York, June, 1830," but that part of the instruction which set the date for the organization of the church was given prior to April 6, 1830. Joseph wrote in "Times and Seasons" (3:928): "In this manner did the Lord continue to give us instructions from time to time concerning the duties which now devolved upon us, and among many other things of the kind, we obtained of him the following, by the spirit of prophecy and revelation, which not only gave us much information, but also pointed out to us the precise day upon which according to his will and commandment, we should proceed to organize his church once again, here upon the earth." All editions of the Doctrine and Covenants include paragraphs 16 and 17 of this section, which did not appear in the "Book of Commandments." This further instruction was probably received after July 20, 1833, and selected for inclusion with related material in this section on the same principle as other material received at different times.

DC 18:Intro SECTION 18 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., to Martin Harris, March 1830, at Manchester, New York.

DC 19:Intro SECTION 19 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., the prophet, on the day the church was organized, April 6, 1830, at Fayette, Seneca County, New York, before or, possibly, during the organization meeting, and is addressed to both Joseph and the church. It refers to the organization in the past tense and gives instruction concerning the ordination of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as though this were yet to be consummated. The ordinations did take place at the organization meeting, after the other brethren participating had indicated their willingness to accept Joseph and Oliver as their teachers and leaders.

DC 20:Intro SECTION 20 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., prophet and seer to the church, April 1830, at Manchester, New York. This instruction came in answer to Joseph Smith's inquiry concerning the status of those who desired to unite with the church and who had already been baptized.

DC 21:Intro SECTION 21 This section is a composite of five revelations given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Manchester, New York, April 1830, and addressed to Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Joseph Smith, Sr., and Joseph Knight, Sr. They were given in answer to the prayers of these brethren concerning their relation to the work of the church. Each paragraph in Doctrine and Covenants 21 was printed as a separate chapter in the "Book of Commandments," but the chapters were combined in the 1835 (first) edition of the Doctrine and Covenants and have been published in this form ever since. They were received on the day the church was organized.

DC 22:Intro SECTION 22 Revelation given to Joseph Smith, Jr., at Colesville, New York, in June 1830, but was not included in the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. It was first printed in "Times and Season" (4:71) and has been included in the Doctrine and Covenants since the Cincinnati edition of 1864. It was specifically approved by the 1970 World Conference. It is also printed in the forepart of the Inspired Version (pp. 7-9).

DC 27:Intro SECTION 27 Revelation given to Oliver Cowdery through Joseph Smith, Jr., in September 1830 at Fayette, New York. Hiram Page had come into possession of a stone by use of which he had obtained certain "revelations" concerning the building of Zion, church organization, and similar matters. Oliver Cowdery and the Whitmer family, to whom Hiram was related, tended to accept his claims. The instruction now received appoints Oliver to an important mission and then sets forth the associated principles of prophetic guidance and common consent according to the church covenants and the prayer of faith. It should be noted that Oliver, who had shared responsibility for the difficulties which had arisen, is now commanded to take responsibility for their settlement.

DC 28:Intro SECTION 28 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, prophet and seer to the church, in August 1830. This revelation was given at Fayette, New York, in the presence of six elders, prior to the second conference of the church which was held at that place on September 1, 1830.

DC 29:Intro SECTION 29 Revelation given to David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., and John Whitmer through Joseph Smith, Jr., September 1830 at Fayette, New York. It was received at the close of the second conference of the church. The Hiram Page "peepstone" difficulty (see Section 27) was in the background of the message to David Whitmer.

DC 30:Intro SECTION 30 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Fayette, New York, September 1830 at the close of the second conference of the church. It is addressed to Thomas B. Marsh, who had recently been baptized. Thomas is here designated as physician to the church. Later he became the first president of the Council of Twelve.

DC 31:Intro SECTION 31 Revelation to Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson, given through Joseph Smith, Jr., prophet and seer to the church, October 1830 at Fayette, New York. The appointment of Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer to take the message of the Restoration to the Lamanites aroused considerable interest and enthusiasm among the ministry. This mission to the West was most important. Men were anxious to go.

DC 32:Intro SECTION 32 Revelation given to Ezra Thayre and Northrop Sweet through the prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr., October 1830 at Fayette, New York.

DC 33:Intro SECTION 33 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., to Orson Pratt November 1830 at Fayette, New York. Orson had recently been baptized by his brother, Parley P. Pratt. Later both he and Parley became members of the Council of Twelve.

DC 34:Intro SECTION 34 Revelation addressed to Sidney Rigdon, given through Joseph Smith, Jr. It was received at Fayette, New York, in December 1830. Sidney Rigdon, Edward Partridge, and others had been converted at Mentor and Kirtland, Ohio, by the missionaries going west, and these two had come to visit Joseph in order to learn more about the church. It will be noted that Sidney was immediately called into close association with Joseph. The prophet had commenced the revision of the Bible in June 1830, and this close association with Sidney was undoubtedly of great value to him.

DC 35:Intro SECTION 35 Revelation given to Edward Partridge through Joseph Smith, Jr., in December 1830 at Fayette, New York. Edward Partridge had accompanied Sidney Rigdon from Ohio. Three months later he became the first bishop of the church (D. and C. 41:3).

DC 36:Intro SECTION 36 In June 1830 Joseph Smith began an inspired correction of the Holy Scriptures, the necessity for which had been pointed out in the revelation of June 1830 (D. and C. 22:24). While engaged in this work in December 1830, Joseph received the following revelation which is an extract from the prophecy of Enoch. This revelation now forms Genesis 7:1-78 of the Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures. It was given at Fayette, New York. The 1835 edition did not include this section. It has appeared as Section 36 since 1864 and was specifically approved at the 1970 World Conference for retention in its present place.

DC 38:Intro SECTION 38 Revelation given to Joseph Smith, Jr., at Fayette, New York, in the opening days of 1831. It gives basic instruction concerning the work of the priesthood, the principle of stewardship, and the care of the poor. It was in preparation for the gathering to Ohio for which the Saints were already making preparation.

DC 39:Intro SECTION 39 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., January 1831, at Fayette, New York. This message was addressed to James Covill, a Baptist minister, who had sought light concerning his relation to the Restoration movement.

DC 40:Intro SECTION 40 Revelation addressed to Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon. It was received through Joseph at Fayette, New York, January 1831, and is a sequel to the revelation given to James Covill (D. and C. 39).

DC 54:Intro SECTION 54 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland, Ohio, in June 1831. It is addressed to Newel Knight, who was president of the Colesville, New York, branch of the church whose members had recently settled at Thompson, Ohio, in the vicinity of Kirtland. Some of the brethren previously settled at Thompson had broken an agreement to share their land with the Colesville Saints, and this caused resentment and confusion. The revelation enabled Elder Knight to unite the faithful and to lead them to Missouri in a body. They arrived in what is now Kansas City late in July 1831.

DC 83:23c nevertheless, let the bishop go unto the city of New York, and also to the city of Albany, and also to the city of Boston, and warn the people of those cities with the sound of the gospel, with a loud voice, of the desolation and utter abolishment which awaits them if they do reject these things;

DC 97:Intro SECTION 97 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Perrysburg, New York, October 12, 1833. Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon had stopped here at the home of Freeman Nickerson. They were on a mission to Canada and the East.

DC 101:Intro SECTION 101 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., April 23, 1834, at Kirtland, Ohio. A "United Order of Enoch" had been established to manage the temporal affairs of the church in Kirtland and in Zion. The Order was now in financial difficulties, largely because of losses sustained through mob action. In accordance with this revelation, the Order was now dissolved, its properties being divided among the members of the Order in such fashion as to constitute their individual stewardships. For an explanation of the unusual names used in this revelation, consult the introduction to Doctrine and Covenants 77. The probable significance of these names is as follows: The "Order" "Pelagoram" "Tahhanes" "Mahemson" "Zombre" "Gazelam" "Shederlaomach" "Olihah" The United Order of Enoch Sidney Rigdon Tannery Martin Harris John Johnson Joseph Smith Frederick G. Williams Oliver Cowdery "Lane-shine-house" "Ahashdah" "Ozondah" "Shinehah" "Shinelah" "Shinelane" "Cainhannoch" "Shule" Printing Office Newel K. Whitney Store Kirtland Print Printing New York Ashery

DC 103:Intro SECTION 103 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland, Ohio, November 25, 1834. It was addressed to Warren A. Cowdery of Freedom, New York.

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