Hebrew Evidence

Hebrew Evidence from the Book of Mormon's writing.

Hebrew Evidence

Did Joseph Smith Plagiarize the Book of Mormon?

The Book of Mormon contains thousands of examples of authentic Hebrew Poetic writing.
No books were available in Smith's day to plagiarize Hebrew from.
Even if books were available, no one could have constructed the depth and breadth of parallelisms as found in the Book of Mormon.
These exist abundantly, yet were never mentioned in Joseph Smith's day. Why? They didn't know what they had. The original witnesses and even the translator Smith were not educated to recognize the abundance of Hebrew thought within the Book of Mormon.
Only since 1970s has the Hebrew Nature of the Bible been deeply examined.
The Book of Mormon contains Hebrew Parallelism that in some instances exceeds the bible.

Parallelism is the number one characteristic of Hebrew Poetic writing.

Many recent Hebrew scholars unassociated with the Book of Mormon explain Parallelism.
The scholars words will be quoted then compare with the Book of Mormon Evidence.
The Book of Mormon never calls attention to the parallelism, but profound and deep parallelisms are used skillfully throughout the book.
Neither Joseph Smith nor anyone in his day ever mentioned the Hebrew content or parallelisms of the Book.
Why? They didn't know.

The examples here of Hebraisms and Hebrew Parallelisms from the Book of Mormon are irrefutable facts.
The evidence of these serves as a silent signature of the writers authenticity.
None of these lists are exhaustive, but contribute to a growing collection of evidence.
Enjoy the fascination of Hebrew evidence within the Book of Mormon