RLDS Church History Context

RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 31 Page: 591 (~1871)

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591 vigor. They cannot fail, when such men as Hall, Gittings, Smith, Thorpe, Bellamy, Anderson, Sutton, Allen, and others are contending for the truth. Bros. W. H. Kelley and R. G. Eccles are laboring in Minnesota with good effect. Bros. C. G. Lanphear, Isaac Beebe, G. R. Scogin, and L. F. West are earnestly engaged in the work in Alabama and Florida. The work is also onward in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bro. N. H. Ditterline writes that two have just been baptized, two more names been handed in for baptism on the following Sunday, and more almost ready."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 400.

On July 7, Elder W. W. Blair left his home for Utah and the West.

The question of seventies presiding was agitated considerably about this time. President Smith, in an article on the subject published July 15, 1870, took the position indicated in the following:-

"It is our belief that the Seventy is a quorum in the church second in importance to that of the High Council at home; and abroad, to that of the Twelve. In this case, then, the nature of their office is a compromise between that of an apostle and that of an high priest; and any act therefore which may be required of them as special witnesses while traveling abroad they may consistently and legitimately do; and while at home, any act which is by law made the duty of an high priest they may by privilege perform."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 432.

July 19, Elder W. W. Blair was at Omaha, Nebraska, on his way west. He had visited Council Bluffs, Galland's Grove, and Little Sioux, and had invited Elders Alexander McCord and S. W. Condit to accompany him to Utah, and Elder McCord had agreed to join him in Utah after his harvest was cared for.

July 19, Elder E. C. Brand, writing from Salt Lake City, Utah, gave an account of disturbances and mobbings in Provo, Utah, and elsewhere, which were disgraceful. He states:-

"Tuesday, 5th July, came to Union Fort; preached on Legal Succession. Sixth, preached again; baptized three.

(page 591)

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