RLDS Church History Context

RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 11 Page: 165 (~1877)

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165 CHAPTER 11.


THE Herald greeted its readers at the opening of 1877 as follows:

Another year has gone to keep company with the centuries and ages which have made their record upon nations and races and individuals throughout all the dwelling-places of man. In many respects it has been an eventful year, one into which has been crowded a multitude of events in the political, moral, social, and spiritual affairs of the sons of men.

The new year opens at a critical period in the situation of our own republic, or such it has the appearance, although some time may yet elapse before he who holds the winds that shall yet come from every quarter and make the whirlwind of destruction, shall permit the complications of this and other lands to culminate in the great struggle.

The situation in Europe is not encouraging, although an effort at peace through a peace conference is being held, and may delay the issue.

The old year has also told its tale to the great Ruler concerning the advance of the work of God toward its consummation, and what the story of good and ill the year has carried up to God in its record of days, weeks, and years for the laborers and waiters, the diligent and the indifferent, the faithful and the careless, the day of judgment will reveal to our collective and individual joy or else to our sorrow and dismay before the Judge.

(page 165)

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