RLDS Church History Context

RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 31 Page: 593 (~1871)

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593 instructed the police to keep order and we had a peaceable meeting. Fourteenth, returned to Lehi; baptized four; and to the credit of Lehi be it said, we had an orderly meeting. They behaved well, and the time before they did the same, with the exception of part of the bishop's family. The balance of his family behaved well. Returned on the 15th to Union Fort. Sixteenth and seventeenth, I was joined by Elders John Townsend and Jesse Broadbent; we held a two days' meeting and had a glorious time. Baptized three more and organized a small branch, and returned yesterday rejoicing, making seventeen baptized in seventeen days."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 500, 501.

Elder W. W. Blair, writing from Salt Lake City, August 15, over the signature of "Argus," gave a graphic account of the famous Newman and Pratt discussion, which had just closed in that city. 1

1 Yesterday, at half past four, closed a discussion between Dr. J. P. Newman, chaplain of the United States Senate, and Elder O. Pratt, of this city, on the question, "Does the Bible sanction Polygamy?" Pratt, affirmative; Newman, negative. By their usual sharp practice, Elder Pratt and his friend got the time for debate limited to six hours, two hours each afternoon for three consecutive days, beginning Friday, the 12th, at two p. m.

The first day there was an audience of about four thousand; on Saturday, about six thousand; and on Sunday, not far from ten thousand. The best of attention was paid, while Mr. Pratt vainly attempted to maintain his point, and Mr. Newman triumphantly refuted him, proving, with distinguished ability, that the Bible, though it regulated polygamy, as it did the matter of divorce and other evils, did not sanction polygamy, but utterly condemned it, under the patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian dispensations. Dr. Newman is an able logician, a fine orator, a man of extensive research, a bold, sincere, and accomplished advocate. His labors in this city cannot fail to aid greatly in disenthralling many from the false notion of polygamy and from priestcraft. His proofs and arguments were mainly from the Bible, and such as our elders have used against "the twin relic" for years past, yet he introduced some new and very prominent ones, as you will see on perusing his speeches, which I will send you.

Mr. Pratt made an utter failure, especially the last day. I pitied the man; a man who was once full of the Holy Ghost and power; but I rejoiced in God to see his favorite institution battered to pieces under the ponderous blows of his talented opponent.

The masses took deep interest in the discussion, and the leading men of the priesthood were at times greatly agitated as the Doctor, with masterly skill, exposed the falsity of their arguments, or turned their own weapons against themselves, or hurled back their oft-repeated slanders against monogamic societies.

On Sunday Brigham appeared in a worshipful mood, and sang graciously with the choir. During Elder Pratt's speech he exhibited no

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