RLDS Church History Context

RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 34 Page: 684 (~1872)

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684 "The lapse of time, and the persistency with which the elders of the Reorganization have presented its claims upon the consideration of the saints of every name, have demonstrated that there was a policy; and that however mad the adherents of that policy were, 'there was a method in their madness.'

"That policy, as it has so far been developed, may be stated in a very few propositions, viz.:-

"To insist that the laws to govern the church are found in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants; that whatever is contained in those books as doctrine for the salvation of man, is the doctrine of the church; that whatever is taught to the church as doctrine, not in accordance with, or denies, contradicts, is in opposition to or contravenes the teaching found in those books is not the doctrine of the church; that all men, Latter Day Saints included, are amenable to God for their acts here, and always; that the scriptures are to all men for guidance, and that Latter Day Saints are not privileged to disregard that guidance, and that the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants are scripture to Latter Day Saints. Arising out of the foregoing propositions it has been, and is the policy of the Reorganization to hold positive and continued antagonism to certain doctrines sought to be engrafted upon the faith of the church, as that faith was delivered to the church by Joseph and Hyrum Smith and their immediate colaborers; among which are to be found, 'polygamy' or a 'plurality of wives;' the doctrine of 'sealing,' as applied to the marriage covenant; the train of evil teachings and consequent evils resulting from the teaching, practicing, and defending those doctrines; the abuse of the law of tithing; and the doctrine of 'consecration' as interpreted to institute, carry on, and defend theft.

"It has been furthermore the policy of the church to recognize but one true church, the one existing, in an organized condition until June 27, 1844, from that time in an unorganized condition until the Reorganization begun, which is but a regathering and reorganizing of the members of the one true church. This has led to the ignoring

(page 684)

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