RLDS Church History Context

RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 22 Page: 397 (~1883)

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397 CHAPTER 22.


SOMETIME during his missionary work in the South, Elder John Thomas, one of the missionaries of the church, had attended a religious meeting of some kind in Henry County, Tennessee, and improved an opportunity to address the audience. This was construed into a disturbance of the meeting. Elder Thomas was arrested, taken before a justice of the peace, and fined. An appeal was taken, and sometime in the summer of 1882 the decision was reversed by the higher court, and he was exonerated.

On July 20 Elder Joseph Dewsnup wrote cheeringly from Manchester, England, of prospects there. He stated:

The position of the church in the Manchester District is very encouraging. A fair amount of progress is being made; inquiries are numerous; we have had several baptisms of late; the candidates bid fair to become creditable and useful members of the church. We are about extending our operations in several directions, with fair prospects of success. There is a good spirit manifested in the several branches composing the district; the official brethren seem to desire to magnify their respective positions in the church; we have the

(page 397)

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