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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 35 Page: 701 (~1872)

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701 "Bro. Marks united with the church at an early day and was with the saints through all their troubles, up to the terrifying times of eighteen hundred and forty-four and five, and then, because he would not keep still while crime and iniquity overran the rights and liberties of the people of the church, he was made an offender and left the city of Nauvoo. He was identified with some of the movements towards reorganization of the scattered ones of the fold, but in each instance, when he became aware that there were principles of evil and wrong obtaining in church government, and among the originators, he announced his disapproval and withdrew from their association.

"As the president of the stake at Nauvoo, Bro. Marks was one of the most faithful and steadfast men the church had. He was an example of clearheaded wisdom, a man who ruled his own spirit, and consequently one who controlled others. He was a wise counselor and a wise administrator, and became one of the most valued and trusted friends of the Martyr Joseph. His integrity was incorruptible. He cast his lot and his influence with the Reorganization in 1859, and remained a steadfast promoter of the truth; ever ready to reprove what he saw that he believed to be wrong; and fearing no man, loving neither place nor power, his personal influence was always a force for the cause of God on the earth.

"At the proper time Bro. William Marks became the Counselor to the President of the Reorganized Church, which position he held at the time of his departure, which occurred on the 22d day of May, 1872, at eleven hours and forty-five minutes a. m. In a good old age, respected and loved, he has laid down the weapons of his earthly warfare without regret, to take up the unbroken threads of his spiritual existence, in the rest of the paradise of God, there to await the assembling of the redeemed and the sanctified, when 'He shall gather in one all things in Christ.'

"Bro. Marks was born in Rutland, Vermont, November 15, 1792, and died May 22, 1872, having lived nearly eighty years. He was patient and long suffering during his decay,

(page 701)

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